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10 Things You Can Do Today to Start Prepping For Your Move
Do you anticipate an impending relocation? Undertaking careful preparations helps streamline the moving process. Consider taking these steps today to enhance your household’s transition to a new address:
1. Create a Moving Timetable
Invest in a calendar or planner devoted exclusively to your relocation. Mark down firm deadlines and record target dates for accomplishing essential tasks.
2. Begin Sorting Personal Belongings
Begin sorting personal items on a room-by-room basis. Determine which items you should pack, sell, discard, donate, or place in storage. This process expedites moving.
3. Invest in High-Quality Packing Supplies
Most experts recommend investing in high quality moving boxes and supplies. Good quality items will help you avoid (or at least, reduce) property damage during transport. Many moving companies carry these materials.
4. Schedule Garage Sales And Donation Collection Times
Take action now to advertise any upcoming garage sale(s). You may also wish to schedule any charitable donation collection pickups by nonprofits if you plan on giving some belongings to charity.
5. Update Loved Ones About Your Moving Schedule
Apprise loved ones about your travel timetable. They’ll appreciate knowing your itinerary. If problems arise, they’ll remain “in the loop.”
6. Prepare a “Moving Day” Travel Kit
Consider packing a travel bag to use during Moving Day. Include necessary personal items and a spare change of clothing. Also take along some essential cleaning supplies, a flashlight, and a few snack food items. This type of kit should help Moving Day proceed more smoothly.
7. Complete Necessary Immunizations And Health Screens
People suffering from medical conditions benefit by consulting with a physician before relocating long distances. Consider scheduling a doctor’s visit to obtain a complete physical. Request a referral for a care provider near your destination.
8. Prepare to Rehouse or Transport Pets Correctly
Sometimes relocating households must make difficult decisions concerning family pets. Will four-footed companions travel with you, or must they reside with others soon? Begin planning for your pets as soon as possible. (Finding new families for dogs and cats often requires considerable effort.)
9. Arrange to Sell or Relocate Vehicles
Transporting a vehicle across town requires little effort. However, if you plan to relocate to a distant address, you’ll probably find it useful to devote some attention to transportation issues. Will you drive your car during your move, or pay to have it commercially transported? Will you sell the vehicle instead?
10. Visit The Landfill
Most households discover they need to dispose of a variety of damaged or partly-used household belongings during a relocation. For instance, usually legitimate moving companies cannot transport flammable or liquid items. Many storage units refuse to accept these materials. Rather than make repeated trips to a local landfill, it often makes sense to schedule a single visit to obtain the correct disposal of unwanted goods.
A More Carefree Experience
Meticulous advance preparations ease most relocations. The time you spend now planning your household’s move will yield significant benefits later: reduce stress, manage time more effectively, and ensure you don’t overlook essential tasks. You’ll appreciate your smart advanced planning decisions when Moving Day arrives!